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Precise Email Service Anchor
If you feel or relate to one of these below, you are at the right place:
You are having a hard time making people click the links in your emails.
You are getting some response back, but it’s not enough. You need a boost.
You are an Entrepreneur / Freelancer who needs a template for approaching leads.
You don’t get any response to your emails. Not sure if they read or even opened them.
You want to have your emails professionally written. Structure, grammar, and message.
You can’t seem to make people open your emails. Attention-grabbing creative headlines.

I will help you by writing copy - offering the types of services below:
Email Precision
Create multiple creative body and headline email templates for you.
Make them generate more inbound sales leads for your product or service.
Generate for you a copy-paste sharp template to use with future prospects.
Create an irresistible copy that makes your services or products more desirable.
Provide you with stronger CTA’s that will help you make your audience take action.
Generate multiple creative headline suggestions that will evoke curiosity in the receivers.

"I would recommend Tom if you would like to word your way to success...."
"Tom rewrote an email letter that I usually send to gallery’s in order to show my work, and he was able to describe both myself and my work in a professional and coherent way. Tom also illuminated aspects and capabilities from my CV that I have overlooked and underestimated. Thanks to his writing and editing skills, I can now represent myself and my works of art with eloquent, accurate, and convincing written texts.
I would recommend Tom if you would like to word your way to success."
- Sam Rachamin, Award-winning Parisian Artist.

Contact Form For Service 2 (EMAIL COPYWRITING)
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