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Sundae - Consulting a 9 Figures Brand

Sundae logo

My Role:

Funnel & Lead Flow Copy Consultant


Project goal:

Sundae's messaging was not optimal, and the funnel was a little misleading, causing lower CTR.


Here is a rare behind-the-scenes glimpse of how an expert copywriter thinks, and how even a Forbes featured startup who raised $60m VC money and made $100m yearly revenue can improve their website copy.


I approached Josh Stech, CEO of Sundae, a real estate startup that buys homes as-is, and gives the seller a $10k cash advance while ridding them of closing fees and headaches.


Here's the email correspondence from day one. You can see a lot in this email, like subject & cold emails that actually work, but let’s focus on the copywriting techniques.

Sundae's old UVP/Hero shot:

Screenshot (277).png

My (brutally honest) cold email to Sundae's CEO:

Sundae Cold Email.png

Joey Campbell, Sunda's Head of Content replied:

Joey Sunday.png

My notes for the call with Joey (my view & strategy for fixing the funnel):

Website Copy Explanation.png

Joey was Impressed, and offered me two projects:

Joey Response Edited.png

The result of my feedback and work with Joey: Sundae new hero shot/UVP:

Sundae Fixed UVP.png

Additionally, I wrote a trending, targeted, customer-oriented, and SEO optimized Blog article for the Sundae Investor Blog, click the pic below to read it!

Sundae TG.png

Joey previously wrote copy for RazorFish and worked with clients like Mercedes-Benz, Intel, AT&T, and UPS.

Here's what he had to say:

"He has all the right qualities you want in a creator who specializes in making your copy stand out from the crowd..."
"Tom is persistent, thoughtful, confident, quick-witted, and extremely personable. He has all the right qualities you want in a creator who specializes in making your copy stand out from the crowd. 
The way he considered the prospect's psychological triggers throughout our funnel was a breath of fresh air. Above all, Tom makes every interaction I have with him meaningful and memorable."
- Joey Campbell, Award Winning Marketer, Head of Content, Sundae.
joey campbell.jpeg

A Real Estate Focused Copywriter on Your Side

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